Wednesday 2 December 2009


BREIF: You are to produce a shrine in selected pairs for the following themes. Each shrine is to be a projected portrait, to an "A" proportion, on the last day of term at the level 1 exhibition in the casket space.

so, me and Shradda were put together as a passion was reading/literature...her passion was watching documentaries.

Our first idea was to create life size cardboard cutouts of my favourite characters (in literature) then take them out and document me doing everyday things with these cutouts (in an obsessive way - like i thought they were real).

While discussing our idea with paul and nigel...and showing our research etc...they noticed a pic i brought in of a massive messy stack of books...and our idea evolved from there...

step 1 - collect books:

step 2 - build chair structure:

step 3 - carry it home on the tube:

step 4 - build the chair:

step 5 - carry chair to park and photograph:

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