Thursday 25 February 2010


Brief: In teams you are to explore bad type. Seek it out, categorize it and then devise a strategy or campaign, to include a designed award to give to the best offenders; you are then to present it to them.

Okay, so as a team we decided to start of by e-mailing lots of designers to get their input on the subject of 'bad type'. We asked them to sum up exactly what they thought of bad type and to give examples. We got a lot of feedback which was great...the next step was to create awareness to the general public. Our first idea was to use the quotes from the designers to create a installation which is outlined in the proposal below. After much consideration we decided to change this idea to focus more on the actual quotes and to make them more clear. We did this by creating posters with quotes from designers and put them up around london. Our idea for the 'award' - was for people to vote for the quote they best felt summed up bad type. we would then give an award to the designer.

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