Tuesday 17 November 2009

Interaction Logo Project

Brief: You are to produce a symbol which communicates interaction, as seen in your presentation. You may use image, type or a combination of both. The design is to be black and white only. You are to produce two different sized versions on a single sheet of A4 white paper, landscape format; the largest of which should be 150mm on its longest side; the smallest should measure 35mm on its longest side. There should be two lines of copy in 9pt Helvetica, in the bottom right hand corner which explains the ethos of the design. And your name.

I began the project by designing 100 logos/images that represented interaction:

I then discussed with my tutors which was the best idea to evolve, and moved on with that:

Finally i kept working on the idea that was originally preferred and finished with the following logo. My design represents interaction as the arrows follow onto each stage to form a sequence thus interacting with each other and the viewer.

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