Monday 23 November 2009


BRIEF: You will create two pieces of typography. One will be your interpretation of a manifesto issued between 1880 and 1930. The second requires you to produce your own manifesto. This should reflect the technological and cultural changes that beckon in the 21st century.
Both typographic manifestos should reflect the content. Each should be between 300 - 400 words in length and as such may require editing.

I have chosen the De Stijl manifesto to re-interpret.
Below is a screen grab of the original manifesto and some research i have done into images based on the movement.

Below is my final design....i began by cutting out shapes by hand and assembling them on paper...then moved onto indesign.

Below is my own manifesto...i decided to do it in a laidback style as it represents how i work when choosing ideas and jotting down notes.

Not sure if this is a bit shit...hmmmm. Tried a more simple approach.

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