Monday 23 November 2009

+ value

The added value project started off on the 6th Nov with Melissa Thompson and Nigel. It was a really interesting day as we got to consider things in an alternative light (which is always great for any creative mind!) Anyways, so to start the day we had to empty all the belonging we had with us onto the floor and think about how important they were to us and what the intristic and intagible values of the objects were. We then worked in pairs (me and Isabel), exploring the college to find objects or areas we could add value too. We looked into a range of ideas, such as; adding value to a pebble by adding a price so it seems more desirable or by putting it on a pedestal so it has purpose or would seem like a piece of artwork. Or taking a piece of paper and turning it into origami or a paper aeroplane. We then considered taking something old and restoring it or taking something new and ruffing it up so it looked like an antique or a 'vintage' item. We spent the afternoon discussing our ideas with the group and were told to have evolved one idea by the next session. Me and Isabel decided to look into the 'vintage' idea - however instead of changing the item - we decided we wanted to change the location the item was in to see how the value changed. The photos below are evidence of some basic research taken with a crappy camera, the next step is to hire a more professional camera from the photography department so we can take lots of photos and go from there! As part of the project we need to create an a5 size image that best communicates our idea, so i will update y'all on that at a later date!

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